As a worldwide ecological crisis unfolds before our eyes, more voices are needed in demanding urgent action to prevent the ultimate cataclysm for the human race.

The artists of Atlantika Collective address this issue in a show in MICA's Pinkard Gallery, on show and free to the public through March 3, 2024.

Over the last two years, the artists of Atlantika Collective, which include a number of MICA alums, have addressed this critical issue from diverse vantage points. Their works speak to concerns about unsustainable development, wildfires, erosion, poisoned waters, floods, and pollution—and the looming specter of a climate crisis that threatens to spiral out of control. However, they also balance fear with hope, moving us beyond the step of raising awareness into action that has the potential to result in meaningful change.

Atlantika Collective: Climate for Change Information