April 4, 2022
Dear MICA Faculty, Staff, and Students,
As shared in my March 30 campus memo, a key next step in our strategic planning work is the formation of a multi-constituency Summer/Early Fall 2022 Plan Drafting Workgroup.
The application process is now open for interested students, staff, and faculty members to be considered for the workgroup. You can access the online application form here.
Here is the essential logistical information regarding this opportunity to help draft MICA’s 2022-2027 Strategic Plan:
MICA’s 2022-2027 strategic planning process is well underway. Following the February campus survey and the March 9 Pan-College Convening that informed the prioritization of plan objectives and foci, we are beginning to collect constituency-generated key activities/initiatives that reflect the top priorities.
A multi-constituency Summer/Early Fall 2022 Plan Drafting Workgroup is needed to help incorporate the above input into existing strategic planning materials and construct over the summer a draft of the 2022-2027 Strategic Plan. That draft will be openly reviewed in September 2022, and a finalized plan draft will be presented to MICA’s Board of Trustees on October 21 for their final review and approval.
The multi-constituency Plan Drafting Workgroup will work during Summer and early Fall 2022 to craft a document that updates and connects MICA’s strategic planning themes, objectives, foci, and activities in a way that reflects the best thinking of the campus community, as well as articulating the ideas into an accountable system of actions per SMART principles as illustrated in Part III of the
In addition to the constituency positions shared above for faculty, staff, and students, the Plan Drafting Workgroup will consist of a select group of President’s Council members, with the president and provost serving as chief editors. The full group will most likely meet twice in mini-retreat format during Summer 2022—once in early June and once in mid-to-late July—and work via email and subgroup in between. Again, the total hours of work expected of each member of the Plan Drafting Workgroup is somewhere between 25 and 35 hours. To recognize the extraordinary importance of this work* and to ensure equity in compensation, each constituency member will receive a $1,000 honorarium. (*This compensation level is a one-time amount for this specific project, and should not be viewed as a precedent for future stipended work.)
The goal is to finish a draft of the 2022-2027 Strategic Plan for community review in early September after everyone returns to campus in late August and settles in. Consultation with external stakeholders will also be conducted then. The Plan Drafting Workgroup will review final edits to the draft based on feedback received, so there will likely be some work involved in early fall.
You should consider applying if you are:
If you have questions or need additional information, please email strategicplan@mica.edu.
Thank you for your attention!
Office of the President
1300 West Mt. Royal Avenue
Baltimore, MD 21217