Chloe Gallagher '13 left Portland, Oregon and embraced Baltimore while studying at MICA. In addition to curating The Globe Poster: Not to Be Missed! while she was a student, she wrote frequent articles for Baltimore's City Paper. She also set out to discover as much as possible about Baltimore's thriving arts scene - something that gave her great appreciation for all that the city has to offer.

"I had visited Baltimore a few times before moving here. I knew that I liked the feel of the city. I liked that Baltimore felt a lot like Portland, but a little scrappier. Baltimore has guts. I was attracted to both the accessibility and diversity of the music scene, and the sustainability of the DIY arts scene."

The Globe Poster: Not To Be Missed! exhibition celebrated the production of Baltimore's own Globe Poster Printing Company and their culturally and aesthetically significant contribution to the visual landscape of African-American music forms-from Golden Era R&B up to funk, hip-hop, and Go-Go. Through the display of show posters, printing tools, and historical ephemera the exhibition created an affective environment, inviting audiences to explore the rich history of American music and industry. A wide variety of programming, from live music to workshops and panel discussions, were also held on site.

"The scope of the project was enormous, so the workload was large" Gallagher said. "But I had a great team and a ton of community support. On days when it was particularly hard, I reminded myself how great it was that my thesis involved working with James Brown posters. James Brown!"

Gallagher graduated with a B.A. in Art History from the University of Oregon and then spent three years as the creative director of an art gallery named for a magical woodland in a Grateful Dead song. She later moved to Portland to pursue journalism and independent curation. Today, she is working at the Judd Foundation,  which maintains and preserves Donald Judd's permanently installed living and working spaces, libraries and archives, in Marfa, Texas.