Johns Hopkins Extreme Materials Institute (HEMI) dabbles in the extreme. Established in 2012, HEMI researches how materials and structures react under extreme conditions, and uses their research to develop science and technology that protects people and the planet. They fracture and image meteorite samples to prepare for an actual multinational asteroid redirection mission. Others look at brain impact to learn how to protect from concussions, or study the biomechanics of optic nerve damage.

In the words of Professor K.T. Ramesh, Director of HEMI,

“We take apart the very first instants of destruction and use them to make the world a safer place.”

The HEMI/MICA program provides a framework that serves as a model for sustained, long-term partnership between JHU and MICA.

 “It is not difficult to see how science and art curriculums come together. The difficulty is forging them together at the institutional level – merging educational missions can be tough,” Gould said. “The HEMI/MICA program tackles those institutional challenges head-on, and provides a platform for engineers, scientists, artists, and designers to discuss concepts and develop a common understanding.”