In an extraordinary collaboration, the Tree Art Museum in Beijing welcomed the unveiling of The Nostalgic Collection in March. Featuring the diverse creations of 16 alumni, the exhibition — which runs through June 9 — serves as a captivating experiment in collective memory reconstruction, as the artists’ and curators’ paths converged at MICA.

The Nostalgic Collection was spearheaded and curated exclusively by alumni from the College, and it offers a rare glimpse into the shared experiences and creative journeys of these international Chinese art students. While the curated works cross an array of disciplines, the show conveys a sense of reunion and kinship, underscoring the impact MICA’s transformative environment had on its graduates.

The trend among China’s Gen Z cohort to pursue international education is in turn influencing their home country, for as they return from study abroad, they do so with fresh perspectives. And as their artmaking penetrates the awareness of the Chinese public, this cohort is emerging as a dynamic force within academic and artistic circles — embodying innovation, reshaped narratives, and the value of forging connections across borders.