The Summer Travel Intensive, Sorrento Summer: Experiencing Southern Italy Through Painting and Drawing, allowed studenets to earn 3 credits in Painting and an optional 3 credits in Art History.

Participating students were able to live and make art in Sorrento, one of Italy's most enchanting Mediterranean towns. The program focused on interpreting the landscape and townscape of southern Italy through painting and drawing, while simultaneously integrating the rich artistic and cultural heritage of the area into a meaningful Italian experience.  Days were spent painting and drawing independently in locales around Sorrento, from from fishing inlets to Baroque churches, while a blend of slide lectures and individual and group discussions complemented creative work. Highlights of the program included field trips to the Capodimonte Painting Museum and the National Archaeological Museum, a walking tour of old Naples, and the archaeologist's tour of ancient Pompeii.

Learn about current Summer Travel Intensives offered at MICA.