“My time at MICA was eclectic. I thought I would be an illustrator, then a painter; a fabricator, and then in my final months there, I decided to start a company. In many ways I'm still figuring out exactly what I do. But despite never having taken advantage of any woodworking classes or entrepreneurial resources available to me while I was a student, it is not lost on me that I wouldn't be doing what I'm doing now without the experiences I had there.”

Sam Acuff ’15

“I remember thinking as a senior—as I'm sure most seniors do—that whatever I was doing at that moment was going to be integral to my future. Although I wish more people told me that my career didn't always hinge on whether or not my next painting was successful or not, I'm fortunate to have gotten to be in a space that pushed how I thought about design and visual language. I know my education has allowed me to navigate creative spaces I otherwise may have never had access to and I credit a lot of that to the influence of the facility and staff at MICA.”

Gallery: Sam Acuff