MICA Alert allows the College to communicate very rapidly with students, faculty, and staff via brief cell-phone text messages when there is an immediate threat to life or safety on the MICA campus. We encourage all students, faculty, and staff to subscribe.
MICA Alert supplements existing systems for emergency notifications via bulk e-mail, www.mica.edu, and voicemail to campus telephones. In an emergency, more detailed messages and instructions will be sent using one or all of these current methods.
MICA Alert messages are never more than 125 characters, including:
With MICA Alert, you’ll receive only periodic test messages and emergency messages. No routine messages will be sent using the MICA emergency alert system.
You will be able to register up to two phone numbers to receive emergency messages. Each phone that is signed up will receive a validation code by text message—that code must be entered into the validation form on the e2Campus website to confirm and complete the registration for each phone number, so if you plan to sign up a second phone number, please coordinate the registration process with that cell phone’s user.
If you have questions about MICA ALERT, need help subscribing, or are not receiving messages after you’ve subscribed, please contact MICA Campus Safety at 410-225-2355 during normal business hours.
Please note: all users of MICA cell phones are required to subscribe to MICA ALERT.
MICA also offers the Rave Guardian system free for all students, faculty, and staff. Rave Guardian provides peace of mind and increased security by transforming any cell phone into a personal safety device. The system is activated by placing a panic call to campus safety personnel or by initializing a timer.
Before traveling from one place to another, such as walking home at night, a user can activate the Guardian timer on his/her cell phone. If the timer expires (or the user hits the panic button), campus safety is notified immediately.