The LeRoy E. Hoffberger School of Painting is one of the only graduate programs in the country to focus solely on painting, giving a select group of highly motivated painters the opportunity to find their individual voices within a supportive community. Through frequent critiques and seminars in dialogue with the director, critic-in-residence, visiting artists and peers, students develop the ability to think critically and sustain a rigorous practice. Trips to major art centers are integral to the discourse as students position their painting in the contemporary art world. Primarily a graduate school of painting, students find their way toward their unique form of expression.
to read Paula Gately Tillman Hoffberger's tribute to her late husband, LeRoy E. Hoffberger on the occasion of his birthday.
Students need a high level of competence and commitment to succeed at the L.E. Hoffberger School of Painting. The emphasis of the program is on independent work in response to critique. Each student is given a private studio. Context, support and continuity during the two year intensive experience comes through the student's community of peers and director. Students take responsibility for many aspects of running the weekly program, which remains flexible in response to changing needs.
Weekly presentations from the resident critics and visiting artists, as well as their engagement with students and the director at critiques of student work generate group discussion and exchange. Students benefit, as well, from working with the director in seminars and individual studio visits. Informal visits to exhibitions in small groups are integrated into the program each semester. Additional activities are added in response to the students' needs.
A total of 60 credits is required for the MFA; of these, 48 must be in studio coursework and 12 in liberal arts seminars. A selection of liberal arts seminars especially designed for graduate students are offered each semester, additionally, graduate students may take 成人视频 liberal arts class with the permission of the instructor.
Enrollment is limited to 20 students who intend to pursue a career in the arts and who have already developed considerable proficiency in their medium. Along with a thorough knowledge of the discipline of painting, the program places emphasis on the development of the student's own vision, clear critical thinking, and disciplined studio practice that will continue into the student's professional career.
Applications are seriously considered for working artists who plan to pursue a career in the arts, who consider painting their primary focus and who have already developed a body of work on their own after completion of an 成人视频 degree. Along with a thorough knowledge of painting and its place in contemporary art, the program focuses on the development of the student's own vision, clear critical thinking, and disciplined studio practice that will continue into the student's professional career.