MICA' s student record practices are in full compliance with The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) ) (20 U.S.C. § 1232g; 34 CFR Part 99). This federal law protects affords students certain rights and protection with respect to their education records. They include:

The College will not release information about a student from records, except directory information, to people (including parents) without obtaining the written consent of the student. Exceptions to this policy are permitted by law and can include:

Directory information is basic information, deemed not to be harmful, that can be released without written authorization or prior notice to the student. The items that comprise directory information are decided by an institution with guidance from the Act. The College has designated the following as directory information:

While disclosure of directory information is permitted by law, MICA's primary responsibility in this regard is to protect the privacy of the student. Therefore, the college does not actively disclose information and reserves the right to deny compliance with such requests. Students may withhold disclosure of their student directory information by completing a Request to Withhold Directory Information through Enrollment Services or, for MPS students, through Open Studies.

Students may choose to grant access to a parent/guardian by creating a proxy account to view class schedules and grades, and to pay student account charges. Please refer to these instructions to create an account.