Receiving mail and packages at MICA for Students (On-campus and Off-campus), Faculty and Staff, Fall 2024

Amazon Lockers are coming to MICA Residence Halls

Spring 2025

What's in a name?

Please use your full name, first and last, when addressing your package. If your nick name differs from your legal name (Bob or Sampson vs Robert), please email us at to make sure we have all possible names a package could be addressed to, so we make sure you get your package.

No perishable items, please.

Please do not subscribe to a fresh food service (HelloFresh). MICA does not have the ability to preserve or refrigerate your food order. Any perishable items left unclaimed may be discarded at the end of the day to prevent odor and illness in our workplaces.  Please see our page on our Food and Grocery Deliveries Policy.

Spring 2025 On-Campus Student Package Addresses

For the fall, starting August 21, 2024, please address your mail and packages to your residence hall's address. You can use USPS mail forwarding forms and to forward your mail automatically from your previous address. (We don't send out notifications for letter mail. You will need to check your mailbox regularly.)

If you are relocated due to quarantine, please continue to use your regular campus address and wait until your quarantine is over to pick up your packages. See below for more information.

Founders' Green
Student Name
MICA Founders Green
120 McMechen St, LH-001 (your room number; or SH, GH or CH for Leake, Spear, Glace or Carter Halls)
Baltimore, MD 21217
Cell number

Package pick-up will be in Carter Hall 002, M-F, 10-5

Meyerhoff House
Student Name
MICA Meyerhoff House
140 W Lafayette Ave, MH-001 (your room number)
Baltimore, MD 21217
Cell number

Package pick-up will be in the Meyerhoff package room in the lobby, M-F, 10-5

Student Name
MICA Gateway
1601 W Mount Royal Ave, GT-001 (your room number)
Baltimore, MD 21217
Cell number

Package pick-up will be in the Gateway package room in the lobby, M-F, 10-5

Mount Royal Apartments
Student Name
MICA Mount Royal Apts
150X (your street number) W Mount Royal Ave, MR-001 (your room number)
Baltimore, MD 21217
Cell number

Mail will arrive at the building mailbox. Package pick-up will be in the Gateway package room in the lobby, M-F, 10-5

Spring 2025 On-Campus Student Letter Mail

We do not scan letters or send out notification emails for letter mail (cards from grandma, checks, your new bank card, postcards from your friends). Please take the key you get at Orientation when you move into your room on-campus and check your physical mailbox, corresponding to your room number, to make sure your mail is there. There are a lot of full mailboxes we have to clear out and return mail for at the end of the year. Just saying.

Off-campus students: please use your local street address as your mailing address for family letters, bills, your bank or other legal interests. Postal & Print cannot accept, hold and manage letter mail for off-campus students. Your letters will be returned to sender.

How Do I Change My Address?

To change your address to or from your MICA Campus Address, please go to the USPS Website and follow the instructions to change your address.

PLEASE do not use MICA'S main/business addresses in your mail forwarding, to or from. 

NEW! The US Postal Service has put in place new protocols for mail forwarding. You may need to go in person and show your id to finalize your mail forwarding. This step is to avoid fraudulent mail forwarding from bad actors. From the USPS website: 

The U.S. Postal Service is enhancing security protocols surrounding its Change of Address (COA) service by implementing additional identity verification methods. These enhancements are designed to address global identity theft concerns, and to protect our customers' information. The Change of Address service remains simple and convenient to use. It can be completed in a few steps, online at, or by visiting one of more than 33,000 local Post Office locations.

A Word About Amazon

During the summer, all MICA addresses deliver to Bunting at 1401 W Mount Royal. If you’re ordering from Amazon to the residence halls, please include the following in your delivery instructions:

“Please deliver to (street address), not 1401 W Mount Royal. Delivery hours: Mon-Fri, 10-5“.

In the past and over the summer, Amazon drivers have forwarded residence hall packages to Bunting, and only your instructions will deliver them directly to your residence hall. We wanted to make sure that you get your packages in a timely manner. 


When your package arrives, you will receive an email notification from Pitney Bowes. Please come to your residence hall package room, Monday-Friday, 10-5, show your ID and pick up your packages. Mail will be placed in your mailbox by 11:00 am, located in the lobby area of your residence hall (keys issued at move-in by the Office of Residence Life).

What if I have a bunch of packages?

If you have more packages that you can carry by yourself, either bring a friend or pick up a rolling basket at the front desk area of your residence hall. In Founders', if you can't find any in Latrobe House, try Leake Hall.

Please refrain from ordering perishable food items (e.g. Hello Fresh, etc) or freight items (over 150 lbs). We cannot accommodate these items. 

If you have any questions or concerns, such as that you are looking for a package, but did not receive an email notification, please email with your tracking number and we will look up your package. Please don’t come in person to ask about a package that has not arrived at MICA yet.

Quarantine Housing and Packages

If you are assigned to quarantine housing, you will be instructed to take all the belongings you need with you when you move into your new room. Quarantine means quarantine, or no contact from the outside for your protection and the protection of your fellow students and the staff. If a package arrives while you are in quarantine, you will receive instructions about how to move forward. Consider that you may not need everything that you order and can either email us with the name of someone you designate to pick up the package, or you can wait and we will hold your package until you are safe to return to your regular on-campus housing. Please email with your tracking number to discuss specific packages.

Spring 2025 Off-Campus Undergraduate and Graduate Students 

Pick-up hours at MICA Postal & Print: Monday-Friday, 8:30-5.

Off-Campus Undergraduate Students, MPS/MA/MBA (Open Studies) programs and  Graphic Design MA and MFA Students

You can start to send packages anytime over the if you are in town, but we ask that you please be available to pick them up as soon as or shortly after the packages arrive as space is limited in our office.

Students living off-campus can use the information above to ship packages only to MICA. Hours of operation will be 8:30-5, Monday through Friday.  All letter mail should continue to  be sent to your residential address. 

Please address your packages to:

Your Name
MICA Student Packages
1401 W Mount Royal Ave
Baltimore, MD  21217-4245
Your mobile number

Graduate Students (MFAST, MPS/MA/MBA, Graphic Design MA and MFA students can use the Postal & Print address above)
Graduate students (except MFAST, MPS/MA/MBA, GDMA and GD MFA) can send their packages to the Lazarus Center. Packages will be held for pick-up at the Graduate Studies Office during their hours of operation. All letter mail should continue to  be sent to your residential address.  (Graduate Studies is not liable for any lost packages, so please use at your own risk).

Please use the following address: 

Your Name
MICA Graduate Studies
131 W North Ave
Baltimore, MD  21201-5807
Your mobile number

For package inquiries, please contact MICA Postal & Print ( with your tracking number. Graduate Studies does not handle package inquiries. 

Faculty and Staff

Faculty and staff, please use your home address for personal packages.

You can use MICA's main address to receive your business packages:

Your name
MICA (Your department)
1300 W Mount Royal Ave
Baltimore, MD 21217