We are happy to get you scheduled to meet with a therapist as soon as possible. To get started, please email us at counseling@mica.edu to receive information on how to begin services with SCC (Please DO NOT include the reason why you want to visit us, or any other private correspondence in this email.)

SCC is dedicated to promoting the psychological wellbeing of MICA students. As a result, SCC provides a broad range of high quality, relevant, and ethical services and resources to the MICA community via our PATHs model, a needs based service delivery model that allows us to develop individualized support plans for our students.

PATH Layout

SSC's care model for clinical services and psychoeducational programs:
"Let's Pick Your Path!"

Our Goal(s):
Prevention, Promote Wellness, Build Community, Facilitate Timely Interventions, Empower Students

Achieved By:
• Increasing student access to servicesv • Offering same day/next day appointments
• Expanding the scope/reach of student care

Schedule a 30-minute session with one of SCC counselors to determine your best PATH forward.

Individual Clinical Care:
Receive dedicated one-on-one therapy sessions with an SCC counselor.

Community Care:
Seeking referrals or case management for a mental health provider(s) off-campus in the local community-SCC counselors are available to assist.

Guided Care:
Create your own customized care plan with a SCC counselor-identifying best practices and strategies in meeting your wellness needs.

Support Groups:
Engage in a select topic(s) peer-to-peer group(s) or program(s) hosted by SCC to connect with like-minded students and be a part of a supportive space on campus.

Group Clinical Care:
Join a closed special topic therapeutic group(s) for students and build healthy strategies, skills, and behaviors-led by an SCC counselor.

On-Campus Programming:
Participate in SCC’s mental health and wellness student-focused outreach, workshops, and events.